Monday, October 5, 2009


How is it that this simple tool can transcend the language and cultural barrier to connect and unite peoples? When there is pain or suffering, the graceful notes of music can begin to heal. When there is doubt and disillusionment a few encouraging sounds can motivate millions.

Music is my balm, my voice, my anguish and my joy. I do not just like music. I need it. I need to hear the rhythm and the melody mixed with harmony. The words are important, but are not critical. Some of the best music is without a single verse.

Why am I writing this you ask? I am, right now, washing in the flow of notes that are moving me beyond myself into an alternate awareness. I connect and move within this world and open up to that which is beyond.

Cheesy? Maybe, but I can live with a little cheese here and there in order to grow and evolve.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

To Blog or Not To Blog

That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler of mind to keep an online journal for keeping record of one's growth and discovery or to share with the world the tiniest of opinion one may have on any given subject is difficult at times to discern.

It's not that I don't enjoy reading blogs and journals, but is there such a thing as too much information? Is it possible to be too intimately involved in the inner workings of everyone we know? I am starting to think so.

I can't go a day without hearing or speaking of life's minutest details mixed in with pontifications on the larger, more philosophical complexities of existence. And while all are highly entertaining, are they in any way able to enrich or better my life? Do they make interaction with my loved ones easier or more profound? The simple answer to that is no, they do not.

So does that mean that I should stop them altogether? Certainly not. It does, however, mean that I should spend much less time online devouring them than I presently do. I could use that time to unplug from the net and plug in to my home life. I could weed the garden, play checkers with my son, play scrabble with my husband or plan the lessons for our home-school the next day.

Certainly something to ponder.